Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How to get that first cup of coffee...

Open eyes to sounds of gurgling and fidgeting occurring inches from ear. Stare blearily at clock and attempt to comprehend that it is, in fact, a new day instead of just staying up late. Commit to not getting back to sleep by greeting the cooing, hand chewing, drool shiny bundle of early morning happiness by smiling and making noises that, let's face it, are the most intelligent possible for the moment. Fall back onto pillow- "Aaatthhhuuug!"- open eyes and retrieve soother, 'sleep sheep' and...uh, something else...oh yeah; baby. Roll out from under warm covers and place feet on skating rink that has replaced the floor. Pause a moment to gaze lovingly at your beautiful, amazing wife who is not getting up.

Walk, mincelike, down hall trying not to touch the skating rink with your feet. Stoop and retrieve soother in a continuation of the game that began when the other player, who will win, was born. Rinse soother under tap. Re-install. Place everlasting source of joy in swing and pull swing/ baby assembly closer to woodstove. Retrieve soother with- for the time of day- are lightning reflexes, a split second before the other player in this game who cheats by having no distractions and four legs. This maneuver having exhausted available energy and the sink being twelve feet away necessitates a more minimalist cleaning; suck soother. Re-install. Refer to five-second rule. Re, re-install.

Make way half way between Bundle assembly and coffee generating assembly. Backtrack. Re-snug blankie that has been squirmed and kicked to the floor like an arch enemy. Re-install soother. Proceed to coffee maker quickly while stifling a scream from kicking swing leg and remove pot. Rinse. Set pot on counter. All seems too quiet so sneak a peek into living room. Install filter and remove cover from coffee can. Spoon in four grains and spill the other four million at a sudden, urgent and- above all- LOUD yell. Sprint to living room and present self front and center of swing, military style. Satisfy Bundle you have not left it to fend for itself forever. Re-install soother. Re-snug blankie. Reset 'Sleep Sheep'. Sit in full view of Bundle for either sixty seconds or four and a half hours; it's hard to tell.

Return to kitchen and sweep coffee grinds (dry, at least) into hand and dump. Measure into filter and add water. Note daylight just discernable through window. Set coffee assembly brewing. "Recon" living room. Sneak a leaning peek over top of swing at peaceful, beautiful, resting and- thankfully- quiet, Bundle.

Pour steaming beverage into a large mug. Add cream and sugar. Stir. Place mug on counter quickly without spilling too much and run to living room to investigate, judging by decibel level, either Bundle yells or meteor impact. Re-install soother. Re-snug blankie. Re-set 'Sleep Sheep'. Sit in full view, hostage-like, of Bundle for either two minutes or six years, whichever feels longer.

Pour cold coffee down sink. Re-install soother.

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