Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas...

Actually it's Boxing Day. I hope that name sounds as odd to you as it did to me growing up. Your two uncles and I thought it meant fighting over toys we had gotten the day before. Come to think of it I still don't know why it's called "Boxing Day"...

Well just in case you don't remember you had a good first Christmas. A good 'haul', so they say. All sorts of toys, teddies, this thing you spin around on on your tummy that you hate and you also got the last two designs of Baby carrier ever made in world history. I think you now have thirteen different carriers. The lights on the tree seemed to hold your attention while your newest project of trying to fit both of your hands into your mouth became secondary.

The funniest thing you've done this season (so far, anyway) was last night. Mommy gave you a big Christmas dinner and then chased it with gripe water- too much, too soon- and shortly after I heard a *gag, cough, splash*! Upon entering the kitchen you had 're-gifted' all over your sweet little Christmas sleeper, Mommy's arm and shirt and the floor. Both of you had to get in the tub.

Mommy just came back into the bedroom where I'm typing this and she's carrying a plate of turkey and dressing swimming in gravy. It's nine o'clock in the morning...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mira and Liam horsin' around during a playdate.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Big Smiles!!

Lots of Smiles!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mira on the bed after she blew through her diaper and sleeper.
Mira's First Snowy Day! Hanging out with dad on Zippy.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mira's first ride on Zippy!

Mira at her first playdate with Liam Higgison. She got all dressed up!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


...I am, I mean, not Mira. Oops, excuse me; she's yelling...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mira and Mommy
using the computer.

Mira pondering the mysteries of the universe.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hanging out in her rainforest swing.
Mira hanging out in the tub.
She loves her Baby Spa!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Mira's First Halloween!

What a cute little chili pepper!

Monday, October 27, 2008

So far this is Rob's fav pic. Aww...

To boldly go...

So here we have yet another little project started by Erin and handed off to me to maintain. "Oh come've got nothing else to do"! Fine. But I don't wanna hear one word when I'm neglecting my family to...uh, waddaya call this? Oh right, "Blogging". Sounds like something a rowdy bunch of English would do to a fan of a rival 'football' team after a night boozing.

So a month ago tomorrow Mira Catherine Norman came into the world with lots of screaming. Not from Mira- from Erin. Fortunately none of it was directed at me. The last month has been a blur of late nights, early mornings, never ending days peppered with naps, work, driving and moving. Cute kid though. We spend a lot of time during the day (when I'm off) capturing expressions and wondering how someone so small can fart so loud.