Friday, October 31, 2008

Mira's First Halloween!

What a cute little chili pepper!

Monday, October 27, 2008

So far this is Rob's fav pic. Aww...

To boldly go...

So here we have yet another little project started by Erin and handed off to me to maintain. "Oh come've got nothing else to do"! Fine. But I don't wanna hear one word when I'm neglecting my family to...uh, waddaya call this? Oh right, "Blogging". Sounds like something a rowdy bunch of English would do to a fan of a rival 'football' team after a night boozing.

So a month ago tomorrow Mira Catherine Norman came into the world with lots of screaming. Not from Mira- from Erin. Fortunately none of it was directed at me. The last month has been a blur of late nights, early mornings, never ending days peppered with naps, work, driving and moving. Cute kid though. We spend a lot of time during the day (when I'm off) capturing expressions and wondering how someone so small can fart so loud.